Cloud Transformation: What you need to know?

BlogsCloudTechCloud Transformation: What you need to know?

Cloud transformation continues to be every organization’s priority to keep up with the speed of business, companies are in a rush to swap out IT infrastructures for cloud-based services to accelerate business operations and stay competitive.

What is cloud transformation?

Cloud transformation is simply the process of moving your work to the cloud, including the migration of apps, software programs, desktops, data, or an entire infrastructure in alignment with the business objectives of the organization.

Cloud transformation is popular because, among many other benefits, it increases the efficiency of sharing and saving data, accelerates time-to-market, enhances organizational flexibility and scalability, and also centralizes network security. Overall, it hugely impacts the way of running a business.

Cloud transformation services

There are many cloud transformation service providers that can give you the needed assistance in assessing, building, and running your cloud environment. But often, organizations find it challenging to perceive the best-suited cloud solutions for their business needs. More importantly, finding the right service provider to guide them in their cloud transformation strategy becomes more problematic.

Here are some common areas of focus during any service provider assessment.

  1. Compatible Technology and Services- ensure that the provider’s platform and preferred technologies align with your current environment and/or support your cloud objectives.
  2. Control over your data- look for providers that give you choice and control while storing, processing, and managing your data on their platforms.
  3. Reliable Security- Ensure that the provider has a reliable level of data and system security.
  4. Reliable Performance track record- Some service providers publish information regarding their performance in the last year, but if not, it should be supplied if asked.
  5. Dependable crisis management- the provider should be able to handle unexpected disasters with disaster recovery provisions, processes, and their ability to support your data preservation expectations.
  6. Ability to migrate to another provider- Before you sign up a service provider, ensure that there will be a minimum complication in case of future migration to another provider.
  7. Service Providers profile– last but not least, you should also consider the financial status and profile of the provider.

Ultimately, the cloud transformation lies at the heart of every component of digital transformation, and doing it right the first time is well worth the effort.

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